At Redemption Church our core values guide the decisions we make and the strategy we use to take care of each other as we serve Gillette. Jesus Christ gave us our unchanging and only mission, which is to make mature and fully committed disciples of Him alone and our core values keep us focused, effective, and unified on that mission.

1. Jesus is our everything
Jesus is our Savior and King. Honoring and serving him is the heart of every decision we make. (2 Peter 1:3-4 & 1 Corinthians 1:4-9)

2. The Bible is our authority
The Bible is God’s word and his revealed authority over his church. We joyfully submit to its authority, cherish its stories, and obey its teachings. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

3. Multi-generational discipling is our purpose
The goal of every Christian is to become more like Jesus Christ in every circumstance and season of life. We do this by living our lives lined up with Jesus Christ and his teaching. As we do this we will begin to look more and more changed then we were before. (2 Corinthians 3:18)

4. Great Commission Service is our pleasure
We want to see people use their Holy Spirit given gifts and skills to care for people inside and outside of Redemption Church so that the salvation of Jesus Christ is powerfully displayed. (1 Peter 4:10Galatians 5:13Mark 10:44-45)

5. Christian Relationships are our witness
We will love and take care of each other with enthusiasm so that the love and compassion of Jesus Christ for all people can be clearly seen. (John 13:34-35)

6. Excellent environments are our welcome
We will do everything we do with deliberate thought and passionate energy to communicate how much we love Jesus Christ and care about people. (Colossians 3:17)

7. Worship is our response
We worship because we are redeemed! Jesus alone gives us life, hope, and salvation and this beautiful truth is the reason we worship Him alone with our thoughts, words, and actions. (Psalm 117)

8. Ceaseless prayer is our fuel
Thoughtful, biblical prayers of faith are how we grow closer to our loving God and seek his wisdom, strength, and courage in every circumstance of life. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)